Jun 25, 2016
In Episode 40 Birmingham Shines the spotlight is on East Lake Farmer's Market, a program of Peer, Inc. to provide healthy food for the East Lake Community and market opportunities for Alabama farmers.
Photos and complete show notes are available at http://birminghamshines.com/40
In this episode we hear from:
Witt Farms...
Apr 30, 2016
This week on Birmingham Shines my guests are Uma Srivastava, who is the product development manager for Pack Health, and M’kayl Lewis, health adviser manager for Pack Health.
Pack Health is a Birmingham startup founded by Mazi Rasulnia & Will Wright with a mission to help individuals suffering from chronic medical...
Mar 31, 2016
Dr. Shelley Stewart, Birmingham businessman, radio legend, philanthropist and pillar of Birmingham, is the guest on episode 38 of Birmingham Shines podcast.
If you’ve been in Birmingham very long you’ve probably heard some of Dr. Stewart’s story. I’ll just say that I was honored to have spent a couple of hours...
Mar 25, 2016
This week's offers something of a hodge-podge, centered around the theme of out-and-about town.
We start with the Birmingham Dance Walk event organized by Sherri Ross.
Last Sunday, March 20 I hung out at Railroad Park for a while to be a part of the first Birmingham Dance Walk of 2016. It was the Dance Walk that...
Mar 19, 2016
TEDxBirmingham 2016 was March 12 at the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center on the UAB Campus.
This episode features a recap of the ideas shared by speakers, through performances, and in a few short films interspersed throughout the event.
The theme was Pure Imagination and the speakers and performances were curated...